Terms of use

1. Introduction and company information
These are the terms and conditions of the websites owned by ZZ DATA LABS SL, located at «www.cassandra-ai.com» and its respective subdomains (hereinafter, the «Website»). ZZ DATA LABS SL. has its registered office at calle Uncastillo 7, 7C 50008 Zaragoza, with CIF B99562407.
2. Purpose and scope of application
These conditions regulate access to and use of the content offered by ZZ DATA LABS SL on its websites. However, ZZ DATA LABS SL reserves the right to modify the presentation, configuration, and content of the Website and services, as well as the conditions of access and/or use.
Some webpages or areas of the Website may contain additional terms, conditions, disclosures, and disclaimers (collectively, «Additional Terms»). In case of a conflict between these terms and conditions and the Additional Terms, the Additional Terms will govern those webpages or areas.
By accessing, browsing, or using this Website, Users implicitly accept the conditions of these terms and conditions in their current format at any given time.
In this sense, «User» is understood as the person who accesses, browses, or views the content of the Website; «Registered User» refers to the person who accesses, browses, and registers to use, view, browse, store, and/or download content and/or use the services of the Website.
3. Access subject to local restrictions
The Website and all the information and functionality contained therein are not intended to be accessed or used by any person residing or located in any jurisdiction where (a) the distribution of such information or functionality is contrary to the laws of such jurisdiction or (b) such distribution is prohibited without obtaining the necessary licenses or authorizations from the corresponding member of ZZ DATA LABS SL, and such licenses or authorizations have not been obtained.
4. User obligations
Access to and use of the Website do not require registration; however, to use certain features, users may be asked to provide information such as their name and email address.
The User agrees to:
Accept and comply with the provisions of these terms and conditions and any document that is an integral part of them. Not defame, abuse, harass, threaten, or violate the rights of other Users or any other person. Not remove or attempt to disable any of the security measures adopted and implemented on the Website. Comply with applicable laws.
5. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights
ZZ DATA LABS SL owns or has obtained the exploitation rights of the intellectual and industrial property of the Website, as well as the intellectual and industrial property rights over the information and materials, structure, selection, arrangement, and presentation of the content, services, and products available through it, as well as the computer programs used in relation to it.
Access, browsing, use, storage, and/or downloading of content and/or use of the services of the Website by the User will not in any case imply the waiver, transmission, license, or total or partial assignment of said rights by ZZ DATA LABS SL or the holder thereof, as the case may be.
Consequently, the user may not remove, circumvent, or manipulate the copyright notice or any other identification data of ZZ DATA LABS SL’s rights or of their respective owners incorporated into the content and/or services, as well as the technical protection measures or any information and/or identification mechanisms that may be contained therein.
References to names and trademarks or registered trademarks, logos, or other distinctive signs, whether owned by ZZ DATA LABS SL or third parties, imply the prohibition of their use without the written consent of ZZ DATA LABS SL or their legitimate owners. At no time, except with express indication to the contrary, does access to or use of the Website and/or its content and/or services confer any rights to the user over the trademarks, logos, and/or distinctive signs protected by law.
All intellectual and industrial property rights are reserved, and, in particular, it is prohibited to modify, copy, reuse, exploit, reproduce, transform, publicly communicate, make second or subsequent publications, upload files, mail, transmit, use, process, or distribute in any way all or part of the content and products included in the Website for public or commercial purposes without the express written authorization of ZZ DATA LABS SL or the owner of the corresponding rights, as appropriate.
6. Information provided by the User
In the event that the User sends any type of information to ZZ DATA LABS SL through the Website, using the channels provided for that purpose, the User declares, guarantees, and accepts that they are entitled to do so freely, that such information does not infringe any intellectual property, trademark, patent, trade secret, or any other rights of third parties, that it is not confidential, and that it is not harmful to third parties.
The User assumes responsibility and releases Alantra from all liability for the communications they personally provide or on their behalf, including, without limitation, responsibility for their accuracy, legality, originality, and ownership.
7. Spanish Data Protection Agency
The content of the Website is informative and does not constitute a recommendation for any type of investment, transaction, or similar operation.
ZZ DATA LABS SL declares that it has taken all necessary measures, within its possibilities and current technology, to ensure the functioning of the Website and prevent the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to Users.
However, ZZ DATA LABS SL does not guarantee the suitability or usefulness of the content of the Website, and is not responsible for damages caused, to itself or a third party, by a person who breaches the conditions, rules, and instructions that ZZ DATA LABS SL establishes on the Website or by breaching the security systems of the Website.
If the User becomes aware of the existence of any prohibited, illegal content, contrary to the law, or that may constitute a violation of intellectual and/or industrial property rights, they must immediately notify ZZ DATA LABS SL so that appropriate measures can be taken.
8. Links to other websites
ZZ DATA LABS SL assumes no responsibility for any aspect related to third-party websites that can be accessed through links from this Website, specifically, but not limited to, their operation, accessibility, data content, information, files, quality and reliability of the products and services provided, the links themselves, and/or any of their content in general.
The establishment of any type of link from the Website to a third-party website does not imply any relationship, collaboration, or dependency between ZZ DATA LABS SL and the parties responsible for the third-party website.
9. Links to this Website from other websites
Any User, entity, or website that wishes to establish any type of link to the Website must comply with the following conditions:
The link must be absolute and complete, i.e., it must take the User to the URL of the Website in a single click and must include the full screen of the Main Page of the Website. Under no circumstances, unless expressly authorized in writing by ZZ DATA LABS SL, may the linking website reproduce the Website in any way, include it as part of its own website or within one of its «frames», or create a «browser» for any of the pages of the Website.
The page establishing the link may not declare in any way that ZZ DATA LABS SL has authorized such a link unless ZZ DATA LABS SL has done so expressly and in writing. If the entity linking from its own page to the Website wishes to correctly include the brand, name, trade name, label, logo, slogan, or any other identifying element of ZZ DATA LABS SL and/or its Website on its website, it must first obtain the express written authorization of ZZ DATA LABS SL.
ZZ DATA LABS SL does not authorize the establishment of a link to the Website from websites containing illicit, illegal, degrading, obscene materials, information, or content, or generally contrary to morality, public order, or generally accepted social norms.
10. Indemnification of ZZ DATA LABS SL
The user agrees to indemnify and hold ZZ DATA LABS SL harmless from any claim, demand, cause of action, debt, loss, or liability, including reasonable attorney’s fees, to the extent such action is based on, arises from, or is related to the user’s breach of these terms and conditions or the use of the Website. This indemnity shall survive any termination of these terms and conditions.
11. Duration and modification
ZZ DATA LABS SL may modify at any time all or part of these general conditions by publishing any changes in the same format or through any other type of communication directed to Users.
Therefore, the temporal validity of these conditions coincides with the time of their exposure until they are modified in whole or in part, at which point the modified and published conditions will come into effect on this Website.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the Particular Conditions, ZZ DATA LABS SL may terminate, suspend, or interrupt, at any time without prior notice, access to the content of the Website, without the possibility for the User to demand any compensation. The prohibitions on the use of the content expressed above in these Particular Conditions shall survive such termination.
12. Privacy and cookies
The policy of the Website regarding privacy and cookies is included in our Website Privacy Policy.
13. Miscellaneous
The headings of the clauses are merely informative and do not affect, qualify, or expand the interpretation of these terms and conditions.
In the event that any provision(s) of these terms and conditions are declared null or unenforceable, in whole or in part, by any Court, Tribunal, or any other competent administrative body, such ruling shall not affect the other provisions of these terms and conditions.
If ZZ DATA LABS SL does not exercise or enforce any of the rights or provisions contained in these terms and conditions, this will not constitute a waiver of such rights or provisions unless agreed to and acknowledged in writing by the company.
14. Jurisdiction and applicable law
The Website of ZZ DATA LABS SL and its content will be governed by Spanish law.
The relationships established between ZZ DATA LABS SL and the User will be governed by the provisions of the current legislation regarding applicable law and competent jurisdiction. However, in cases where the regulations provide for the possibility of the parties submitting to a jurisdiction, ZZ DATA LABS SL and the User will submit all disputes and/or claims to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Zaragoza, in accordance with Spanish law, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.
15. Our contact information
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email info@cassandra-ai.com