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We want to give you access to discover all the advantages of big data and geolocation with a demonstration of our platform.
Request access by filling out the form and we will contact you to show you the capabilities of our products without obligation.
Other contact information

Calle de Alfonso I, 17, 2nd Floor 50003, Zaragoza (Spain)
Call us: +34 606 589 356
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Fill in these details to request a demo

Cassandra AI Real Estate, a joint venture between Pickgeo and GSRaw, develops Location Intelligence software for real estate. With headquarters in Zaragoza and Madrid, they have been awarded for their technology and innovation.

Calle de Alfonso I, 17, 2nd Floor
50003, Zaragoza (Spain)
Call us: +34 606 589 356
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Copyright © 2024 Cassandra AI